Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Have you ever had the feeling that you are at a new gate - a new beginning?  That's what I'm feeling now, and as exciting as it is, it is also a bit scary.  Change is difficult, even though in the end, it is often for the better - much better.  The long winter we've had is at an end, and the longer winter of the spirit that I've been living through these past few years seems to be at an end as well.  And about time!  But new territory is . . .  well, new, and I will do my best to embrace it.  So many wonderful people and things from the past are still with me, and I cherish them.  And some wonderful new people and new things to enjoy have arrived in my life  this past year.   I guess that's the trick when we are about to walk through a new gate - the being willing to enjoy the gifts that are waiting for us, even though they are new to us.  
We are planning some changes here to the website, which will soon officially be SHELTIE HOLLOW ART.  I've been heading there for a long time, and now is the time to make happen.  I'll let you know when we have that up and running, and meanwhile, the present website remains active.  I have a new idea or two for my Etsy Shop "The Dog Art Gallery" as well.  Lots of changes happening.  It's the right time of year for new beginnings.  I hope all your new beginnings will be happy ones.


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